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Kristi Fields

Logic School Teacher

Snatched from the grip of early retirement looming in front of her, this spring, Kristi intrepidly accepted the challenge of letting go of comfortably puttering around an empty house waiting for Chris, her sweetheart, favorite dance partner, and patient husband of 32 years to come home, to embark on a brand new journey at CLA. After twenty-five years of homeschooling five children, kindergarten through twelfth grade, while teaching literature, writing and worldview in classes and co-ops, serving as president of the homeschool band, co-founding, administrating and teaching a ballroom dance community, leading Bible studies and driving children all over creation to sports events, clubs and practices of all kinds- Kristi's baby had the audacity to graduate. As her mind groped to comprehend the life ahead of her, she realized the truth of the maxim, “the days drag, but the years FLY!” It was actually over. It was time to say goodbye to co-ops, clubs and curriculum and close the doors on their family's homeschool. With nothing to look forward to but endless lunch dates, crafting at will and even, possibly, the elusive hope of seeing what that notion of “being bored” actually felt like, she was surprised to realize God had something else in mind for her. A place of community. A place of service. A place to do all the things she best loves: teach, train, challenge and inspire young minds to seek God and embrace truth, goodness and beauty in the world around them. Seventh Grade will be a wonderful adventure!

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Kristi Fields
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